דילוג לתוכן


Israeli Society for Treatment, Research and Prevention of Eating Disorders

The Israeli Association for Eating Disorders was founded in 2002. It was established as a multidisciplinary body to coordinate clinical and research activities in the field of eating disorders in Israel and to determine national therapeutic standards. IAED works to advance professional training in the field and to authorize therapists from various disciplines as eating disorders specialists. It also strives to establish appropriate training opportunities in cooperation with the unions of therapeutic disciplines and the Israeli Ministry of Health. The IAED liaises with professional unions and government institutions involved with the treatment and prevention of eating disorders. Selected representatives of the IAED serve on a committee that advises government bodies and entities that provide services for eating disordered individuals and their families. The IAED provides government bodies and the public with information on eating disorders, their treatment and their prevention. It initiates lectures, seminars and conferences aimed at enhancing professional knowledge about the therapy and prevention of eating disorders. The IAED represents professional international organizations in Israel and liaises with them. It encourages and promotes research in the field of eating disorders and supports collaborations between Israeli researchers.

Over the years, the IAED has organized regular conferences and seminars on topics relevant to eating disorders, which have been very successful and consistently drawn hundreds of participants. In 2008 the IAED obtained the status of "Sister Organization" to the prestigious international Academy for Eating Disorders (AED) the second organization worldwide to obtain this status. AED "Sisterhood" opens the door to research collaborations with AED members, joint conferences and courses, and professional networking.

Becoming an IAED member means joining a body of professionals who treat and investigate eating disorders. Membership benefits include clinical and research collaborations, the sharing of members´ names, contact information, articles and interests, and reduced conference fees. IAED members also receive a reduction in AED membership fees. AED membership benefits include a subscription to the International Journal of Eating Disorders, the AED Forum newsletter, a list of assessment instruments, media advisories and guidelines, international referrals, participation in Special Interest Group discussions, exchange of information via an international listserve of professionals in the field, reduced conference rates, and job networking, and more.

Translated by:
Rachel Bachner-Melman, Ph.D.